Query the OTN Geoserver
otn_query(c("EST", "FACT.SCDNRDFP", "ACT.MDBSB", "MDBSB"))
#> $otn_resources_metadata_points
#> FID collectioncode
#> <char> <char>
#> 1: otn_resources_metadata_points.fid--6874bd33_1949a77b284_156f EST
#> 2: otn_resources_metadata_points.fid--6874bd33_1949a77b284_1676 SCDNRDFP
#> 3: otn_resources_metadata_points.fid--6874bd33_1949a77b284_194d MDBSB
#> report
#> <lgcl>
#> 1: NA
#> 2: NA
#> 3: NA
#> resource_full_name
#> <char>
#> 1: Shedd Aquarium Bahamas Sharks and Ray Research Program
#> 2: Diadromous Fishes statewide movement in SC
#> 3: Influence of Turbine Construction Noise on Black Sea Bass Displacement and Physiological Condition in the MD Wind Energy Area
#> ocean seriescode status collaborationtype totalrecords id
#> <char> <char> <char> <char> <lgcl> <int>
#> 1: NW ATLANTIC OTNGlobal ongoing Data NA 338
#> 2: NW ATLANTIC FACT ongoing Deployment NA 605
#> 3: NW ATLANTIC ACT completed Data NA 1369
#> the_geom
#> <char>
#> 1: POLYGON ((-76.85 23.62, -76.85 24.83, -75.9 24.83, -75.9 23.62, -76.85 23.62))
#> 2: POLYGON ((-82.46 25.41, -82.46 35.99, -78 35.99, -78 25.41, -82.46 25.41))
#> 3: POLYGON ((-79.53 33.88, -79.53 42.26, -68.1 42.26, -68.1 33.88, -79.53 33.88))
#> $project_metadata
#> Empty data.table (0 rows and 29 cols): FID,collectioncode,id,seriescode,collaborationtype,shortname...